When Baba Deep Singh Ji learned about the disturbing news of the attack on Harimander Sahib, he immediately declared his intention of expelling the Afghans and rebuilding the gurdwara. He took a vow not to come back alive without fulfilling this mission. Baba Deep Singh Ji did ardas while promising to get to Sri Harimander Sahib: “Sir jaave ta jaave, mera Sikhi sidhak na jaave” (If my head is severed, let it be, but don’t severe my Sikh way of life)”
Although Baba Deep Singh Ji was seventy-five years old, he still had the strength of a young warrior. He gathered a large group of Sikhs and advanced towards Sir Harimander Sahib. By the time they reached the village of Tern Taran, about ten miles from Amritsar, their numbers had risen to about five thousand. At this time, Baba Ji drew a line on the ground with his khanda and asked, only those who were willing to fight and die to cross the line. All of the Sikhs there crossed the line eagerly. Baba Deep Singh Ji then recited the shabad: “Jo to praym khaylan ka chaao, sir dhar talee galee mayree aao.” (Those who wish to play the game of love (follow Sikhism), come to me with your head in your palm.) “It maarag pair dhareejai, sir deejai kaan na keejai.” (If you wish your feet to travel this path, don’t delay in accepting to give your head.)
(*Article repost via Sikhism Guide http://www.sikhismguide.org/babadeepsingh.aspx